Douglas S. McIver
About Doug
He has worked in the service industry and been "hands on" his whole life. First with bicycle and automobile repair, then every role in restaurants and various other hospitality settings. Practicing massage and bodywork for twenty-three years and acupuncture for twelve years, patients have said he has "magic hands".
Doug graduated with a Masters of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Finger Lakes School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in June of 2012. When Doug is not working with patients in clinic he enjoys staying active outdoors, Qi Gong, meditation, yoga, tai chi, working toward a Doctorate of Acupuncture and practicing martial arts.

How frequently do I need to come in for treatments?
Relief Care
The focus in this stage is to “get out of the woods” with pain or other symptoms. Treatment is once or twice a week for three to five visits. Most patients notice some relief with the first visit.
Corrective Care
Pain and other symptoms are now greatly diminished or gone. Less frequent treatments are needed at this level of care. This begins a deeper level of healing which prevents backslide and the immediate return of symptoms.
Wellness Care
This is the preventative or maintenance level and for most patients sessions are between four and six weeks apart.
How do the needles help?
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, acupuncture regulates the movement of energy and blood in the body, restoring homeostasis and promoting self-healing. A typical session involves the gentle application of sterile single-use needles to acupuncture points. Our approach includes clinical therapies AND adjusting habits such as posture, body mechanics, ergonomics, exercise, diet and more. We strongly encourage participation including meditation, therapeutic exercises and movements, healing sounds, stretching, breathwork, heat therapy and acupressure at home. Why? Having, valuing and using these tools helps you to get the most out of your acupuncture care. There is the awareness, option and ability in the moment to gently adjust. Over time, these tools have great reward. I know because I have utilized them for over twenty-four years and they are wonderful tools. I appreciate the opportunity to work with you.
Do you accept insurance?
YES! We are currently in network with United Healthcare, Aetna, Cigna, and MVP. We also work with workman’s compensation and no fault insurance companies. FSA and HSA cards may be used for copayment or the whole cost of your treatment.
What are your rates?
$105 Initial visit
$70 Follow up visit
Premium sessions
“Total Reset”-a combination of Acupuncture,
Qi Gong healing and Bodywork
custom tailored to your needs.
$175 Initial visit
$140 Follow up visit